June 2024
Teaching Award from the JGU for Dr. Marko Jörg
Marko was awarded with the teaching price for excellent teaching of the Gutenberg Lehrkolleg (GLK) 2024. Congrats to this achievement! Well earned and we are so proud of you!
Lehrpreisträgerinnen und Lehrpreisträger der JGU | Gutenberg Lehrkolleg (uni-mainz.de)
June 2024
Statement der DphG zur Apothekenreform
Die Pläne des BMG zur Einführung von "Apotheken Light" beschäftigen uns und auch die DphG sehr. Bitte finden Sie hier das aktuelle Statement zu diesen Plänen.
DPhG-Statement: Apotheke der Zukunft ohne Apothekerinnen und Apotheker? Von Risiken und Nebenwirkungen des geplanten Apotheken-Reformgesetzes (ApoRG)
February 2024
Great news! Julia was accepted as a junior member to the Gutenberg Academy Honors Program. Congrats
February 2024
The wintersemester is coming to its end. We had a great time with the students. Hopefully, they will not forget the playlist with a lot of songs which all had something to do with cardiovascular diseases and the risk factors 😉. Next semester we will focus on "disease of the nervous system". This time we will look at the work of artists, actors and musicians suffering from these diseases to make pharmacology a bit more fun. See you all in April!
Januar 2024
Our paper about the role of a specific mitochondrial mRNA modification to regulate mitochondrial function under physiological conditions and in Alzheimer disease was accepted to Molecular Psychiatry! This was a great collaborative effort mainly with the Helm group but also others such as the Motorin, Endres, Gerber, Rossmanith and Methner group. Thanks to Marko and Johanna and all involved scientists for their great work!
January 2024
Julia and Lukas started with their PhD thesis. Welcome to the Friedland lab!
November 2023
Christine and Marko received a travel grant from the Alzheimer Forschung Inititative (AFI) to participate at the SFN Meeting in Washington. Congrats
October 2023
The hands on training in pharmacology and toxicology just started yesterday. Welcome back to the students and have fun in the lab!
October 2023
Yokogawa grant together with Prof. Dr. Kristina Endres and Scotland-RLP Life Science Research Funding with Prof. Dr. Albena Dinkova-Kostova
Yokogawa provides a Single Cellome™ System SS2000 (one of eight worldwide) to the Endres and Friedland lab to investigate mitochondrial function/dysfunction in Alzheimer disease and aging. We are so excited to work with this elaborated confocal which allows to prep cell organelles from single cells.
September 2023
Together with Prof. Albena Dinkova-Kostova from the University of Dundee, we received funding from the Scotland-RLP Life Science Research Alliance. One of Albenas PhD students, Miro Novak, will investigate the effects of novel NRF-2 ligands in the Friedland lab. We are looking forward to this collaboration starting in January 2024. Check out Albenas paper in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery about the therapeutical potential of NRF-2 ligands.
Marko was selected to give a short talk at the DphG meeting in Tübingen about tRNA modifications in aging and Alzheimer's disease. Congrats!
Welcome to our new bachelor students Lena, Reuben and Sophia! Arso just completed her Bachelor thesis.
Welcome to our placement student Julia Brechtel. She will continue with her PhD thesis coming back in January after her 3. state examination.